Presentation Topics

Velda's Presentation Topics

Leading with integrity

A person with integrity is generally thought to be honest, moral, and sincere. Authenticity, appearing in ways that are consistent with your words and actions, is also important to able to lead with integrity. Research has shown that everyone lies, but white lies are different than leading dishonestly. Participants will identify their top values and develop methods to lead with their values.

Ethical leadership

Globally, there is not a shared definition of ethical behavior, and ethical leadership requires the ability to understand different people, groups, and cultures. It is generally easier to identify unethical leadership, and this workshop will help participants understand the different interpretations of ethical behavior. Each person will assess his or her own values to determine behavior that can help each person lead ethically.

Bridging the generation gap

In today’s classrooms and workplaces, there are four different generations:  Traditionalists (born 1900-1945), Baby Boomers (1946-1964), Generation X (1965-1980), and Millennials (1981-1999).  The times during which each generation was raised have helped shaped them.  Each generation has different values and attitudes about work ethic, communication, family, and technology.  This session presents an overview of the generations in order that we may better understand each generation.  All generations bring value, and by understanding the differences, people may work better together.

Service learning and student engagement

Service learning allows students to apply academic learning in a real-world environment. Students not only expand their knowledge and skills, but they also learn about other cultures and environments. Service learning has been definied as a high-impact practice becase it requires a significant amount of one's time and effort and builds connections between the student, peers, faculty, community, and the college. High impact practices engage students with their learning, which in turn helps retain students through graduation.

Engaging the generations with service learning

As colleges seek ways to increase student retention, there is not a one-size-fits-all remedy.  However, research has shown that engaged students build connections with other students, faculty members, and the college.  Service learning has been shown to engage students.  Because our early experiences help create our perspectives on life, each generation has different expectations.  This session will discuss the differences between the generations and how those differences may help engage students with service learning.

Professional social networking

Many people have Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and other types of social media. LinkedIn began as a professional networking site, and ones online image is often evaluated by potential employers, scholarship committees, and college admissions. This session will discuss ways to use social media to build an online network and establish a professional identity.

Leading with emotional intelligence

Today there are clear differences in how people react and behave in situations, especially when emotions become involved. This workshop will help attendees understand 1) the four components of emotional intelligence (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management), 2) how to improve emotional intelligence in order to become better leaders, and 3) how to help other people develop their emotional intelligence to become better team players. 

Social intelligence

Social intelligence helps people learn how to develop relationships, work with teams, and interact socially. People with high social intelligence display nurturing behaviors that empowers and supports other people. Toxic people destroy relationships and generate negative energy. Participants will learn why social intelligence is important and how to develop their social skills.

Understanding personality types

This workshop explores the four dichotomies of the Myers-Briggs Type Inventory. Participants will learn how preferences differ and why it is important to understand how we are similiar and unlike other people. Understanding other people's personalities can help decision making, conflict resolution, communication, and team building.

Your professional development plan

Most of us have behaviors or actions that we would like to improve, and creating a professional development plan is a good way to make sure that you are making progress towards your goals. Participants will be tasked to identify the types of professional and personal skills he or she would like to improve and then make an action plan.

Facing your fears

Everyone has fears. Except for the fear of falling and sudden noises, most of our fears are created by our experiences or perceptions of past events. This workshop outlines a five-step process to overcome fears. The first step is to identify and write down the fears. Next, research the origins of each fear, and then analyze those origins to determine relevance and current meanings. The last two steps are to develop and implement a plan. Facing fears takes time and effort, but fears may be overcome.

Sessions may be 1-2 hours in length depending on your needs. Velda lives in Pendleton, OR and is willing to travel.

The mission of LESS is to encourage people to make a commitment to developing their knowledge and skills while also giving back to others through educational activities and service.

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Copyright 2013-present
Last updated 4/26/2024